Having completed new branding and full redesign of Irishjobs, Nijobs and Caribbean jobs the year before.
It was time to take all the learnings from those sites and update Jobs.ie branding, make the site responsive and put the old outdate mobile site to bed.

Jobs.ie Audience

60% of the audience between age of 22-39. 45% of were experienced non managers. Where as Irishjobs audience are more experienced Career climbers.
Jobs.ie jobseekers are on early career path and there searching and applying behaviour differs to Irishjobs

  • Likes lots of choice and variety
  • More active seekers
  • Like lots of different jobs
  • Apply across multiple categories
  • See what sticks approach


From discussions with Jobs.ie Account managers, stockholders and Focus group feedback, the Jobs.ie website was lacking personality. Recruiters didn’t feel the site match the friendly helpful account managers that they talked to. Account managers wanted a site that they could be proud of and would help them to attract more business. Job seekers found the site quick and efficient but faceless and not modern.

Key take home was the site was to be more professional but still friendly and personable.

Jobs.ie Strengths and Weakness

Competitive Analysis

Being part of Stepstone Group we had access to large amount of data and findings from some of the biggest Recruitment sites around Europe. We looked at the best features that we could implement on jobs.ie


New Features

  • Personalising the jobseeker experience and tone of voice of site
  • Automatic registration and job alerts – jobseekers would be registered to the site when they applied for a job, automatically receiving job alert based off their last 3 job applications.
  • Soft Login – as a large portion of our traffic came from job alerts and repeat traffic, soft login would allow for quick and easy application process.
  • Save Applied jobs – Jobseekers would regularly contact Jobs.ie looking for a job details for a job that they had applied for that was no longer on site.
  • Save Shortlisted Jobs – This allowed jobseekers to shortlist a job when on mobile device and apply for it on different device at later stage.

Jobs.ie Site Review

Analysis of traffic and usage of each feature on key pages, helped define the wireframes for new page layout. SEO is one of the most important aspects in Saongroup websites, so important to make as little changes to main pages.

High Fidelity Mockups

I worked closely with product owner and BA to define features and create mockups inline with use cases.

Working hard on the tone of voice through out the site we added, heading and subheadings to each section on site, the sub heading bringing a bit more personality to each part of the page. This work particularly well on job list page where each sector and location have number of different sub headings.

The site is also personalised to each search with the se of imagery, with different local image for each county.

User Journeys

User flow, card sorting and a lot of post it notes helped create the jobseeker profile section. This helped to group information to the most relevant pages. These area is here to help jobseekers on their journey, with their saved cv, cover notes, shortlisted, applied job and job alerts.

The jobseeker profile is also a revenue stream for Jobs.ie where recruiters can search for public jobseekers, prompt to help job seekers fill out their profile ensures the quality of this product.


HTML Pages

Each page was created in HTML through Patternlab to give guide for developers